

Hello penguins!

Have any accouts that you would like to share to the world?

Here is the place to post them!! To recivers: Please do not bann accouts that once belonged to someone who was kind enough to past it here (with the password!)

– King Luxury

Clubpenguin help team 


  1. User: WaterProofers23
    Pass: WaterSplashed23

  2. Please Im still using it
    no change pass plz

  3. Do you all get that? Thankyou clubpenguin fan. NO HACKING! But if ut gets hacked i am not resposible. I will try to apply the ultimate protection so it doesnt get stolen but people might steal it.

  4. ***** all u shouldnt give away ur passwords

    IF THEY WANT TO, THEY CAN. AND QUIT WITH THE FOUL LANGUAGE! Whew! get the hell of this site women! HA! spoilt idiotic little girl thinks she can get the better of this site. IF ANYONE WANTS TO GIVE AWAY THEIR PASWORD, ITS HERE! SO IF U AINT GIVING AWAY A PASSWORD, THEN GET OF THIS PAGE!
    “princess_me” is the first pasrt of your email. You do really think that you are a princess if you swear all over the place? Next time you comment anywere on this site it shall be removed.

    – Captain moderator – King Luxury

  5. I don’t no what to say clubpenguin said don’t share you password to anyone. But it is there choice of gettign banned if clubpenguin find out. But you should email the name and password insted of clubpenguin finding out. You can still post your u and p hear. Moderator Jamesmaxwell


  7. georgia isnt a princess shes a big mouth that swears alot

  8. waterproofer is a FAKE its name doesnt fit on the username space

  9. so actually this place has no accounts

  10. so im gonna give you an account but its gay ban it if ya want i dont care username:babygurl75 password:kikki9a

  11. Myne is kitkat17070 and is rlly rare and a memeber its nearly 800 dsys old! but i dont want it anymoore and the pass word is muteex

  12. its gonna get banned by someone else

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